Styrofoam food containers and meat trays.

Styrofoam is inexpensive and keeps certain things safe or cool in transport so often shows up unannounced along with a package. When this happens, it leaves people with the hassle of getting rid of it.

For larger pieces of Styrofoam, check out our Styrofoam bag solution!

Why use Ridwell?

With Ridwell, your Styrofoam is handled in a more responsible way. Recyclers we work with first combine different types of Styrofoam. Then each type is heated and compressed using a machine called a densifier. Dense bricks of Styrofoam of different kinds are finally turned into new things

Common uses are creating picture frames, indoor molding, and even surf boards! No matter the final product, we can all agree that it’s providing more benefit than if it were buried in a landfill.

This category includes:

While what we take in this category varies by city, here is what is generally included.

Clean takeout containers


Meat trays

Only if they are black, blue, yellow, white, or pink!

Clean Styrofoam tableware

Clean Styrofoam cups

Join the movement to build a future without waste.
